Nokia’s first MeeGo slider smartphone will be the Nokia N9? A slider phone that seems like an upgraded version of N8 with the addition of a QWERTY keyboard. This QWERTY keyboard is too flat & having a tilting display.
Deep under the Mediterranean Sea, small animals have been discovered that live their entire lives without oxygen and surrounded by 'poisonous' sulphides. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Biology report the existence of multicellular organisms (new members of the group Loricifera), showing that they are alive, metabolically active, and apparently reproducing in spite of a complete absence of oxygen.
Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty.... Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (
A list of the 10 largest dirigible that ever built and flew in history and the disaster they encountered. During the early part of the 20th century airplanes are hardly known. Airships are the popular and most preferred aerial vessels. What is an airship? An Airship, which is also known as Dirigible, is a ‘lighter-than-air aircraft’ that can be steered and propelled through the air using rudders and propellers or other thrust. It stay afloat by filling a large cavity with a lifting gas.
many people make a distinction between the origin of life and the evolution of life. In this view, biological evolution refers to the gradual development of the diversity of living things from a common ancestor, while the ultimate origin of life is a separate question.
As the Gulf of Mexico disaster casts an ugly spotlight on the pitfalls of global oil dependency, Japan's auto giants are moving into high gear in a drive to mass-market electric cars.
Nissan, Honda and Toyota are among car-makers now gambling that electric vehicles (EVs) with their zero tailpipe emissions will catch on and, some time in the future, start to drive traditional gas-guzzlers off the road.
In densely populated metro areas, any space that's suitable for gardening is probably also very attractive to developers looking to build structures on it instead. However, some city dwellers with persevering green thumbs have looked skyward, using the latest in hydroponic technology to put vegetable gardens on rooftops.
Mira EV has created a world record with completing 1000 km run on a single battery charge non-stop, powered by Sanyo’s lithium-ion battery systems. This experiment took place on the world’s longest race course in Japan, in Shimotsuma. Organized by Japan Electric Vehicle Club, this long marathon driving was accomplished by a relay team of 17 auto-racers from a training school in Ibraki, Japan.
This can very well happen in the near future with billboards advertising – bold and strong, beckoning electric vehicles for recharging. Already in Berlin-Adlershof, this is happening. The largest independently functioning solar charging station is offering high-quality, computerized and completely safe kind of solar charging to electrical cars. Electric-power cars’ handicap .
As the Gulf of Mexico disaster casts an ugly spotlight on the pitfalls of global oil dependency, Japan's auto giants are moving into high gear in a drive to mass-market electric cars.